Category: "news"
Electric Blanket Safety
Until recent times, electric blankets had a notorious reputation for being unsafe. Despite the warmth they offered us as we climbed into bed of a night, there were cases of people sleeping on an electric blanket that was dangerous and, as the saying goes, an accident waiting to happen. Thankfully,... read more »
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Refresher Course - Bookings Now Being Taken
We are now taking bookings for the following course: Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Refresher Course 8 March 2016 - Wakefield area This course should be taken on a three yearly basis once the initial foundation qualification (e.g BAFE) has been obtained. Once completed the original qualification has been re-validated for another... read more »
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Courses - Bookings Now Being Taken
We are now taking bookings for the following courses: Fire Extinguisher Maintenance (with BAFE assessment) 14-17 March 2016 - Wakefield area 4-7 April 2016 - Basingstoke area Successful delegates who pass the BAFE assessment will receive a nationally recognised qualification to service & maintain portable fire extinguishers to a quality standard... read more »

Fire Escape Planning
For any business the last thing you want to think about is a fire happening on your premises. Despite this, it’s vital that every business has a fire escape plan in place to ensure the safety of your employees and your business in case a fire does occur. One of... read more »

Start Your New Year with a Fire Safety Check
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to get into good habits and implement best practices within your business. Start the year as you mean to go on, focusing on improving business operations and creating a safe and productive work environment for you and your staff. A... read more »
The Importance of Testing Your Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors act as your first line of defence in identifying a fire, which is why they play such an important role in fire safety within the workplace, as well as your home. Having a working smoke detector in your premises can significantly decrease the chances of death in a... read more »

Safety Checks When Setting Up Your Christmas Lights
Christmas is a magical time of year – everywhere is lit up and feeling festive, but with all these Christmas lights comes an increased risk of fire. This is why making sure you have correctly installed your Christmas lights could save your Christmas celebrations from going up in smoke... read more »
Extinguisher Refresher Course 3 Dec
Well done to all those who attended this week's Extinguisher Maintenance Refresher Course. All those attending had previously completed the basic course and gained the appropriate qualification. We trust everyone enjoyed the course and are now 'back up to speed' with the latest changes etc. See you all in three years !!read more »
Health and safety for the self-employed
If you are self-employed then more than likely you won’t be able to ensure that you are going to be working in the same environment every day. This means that you may be faced with a variety of hazards in each situation you find yourself in. Therefore it is... read more »
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Course - Good Luck!!
A three and a half day Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Course and BAFE assessment was held last week. All those who attended were complete novices and now appreciate there is a lot more to fire extinguishers than what they initially thought. Good luck to those who attended and results will... read more »